Monday, April 03, 2006

Trail Blazers Walk & Fly

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta.... if you have an inkling of what this gibberish is, you'll guess what Trezpaz has in store for you.... get ready to be a modern day Amelia Earhart with a topping of a Marco Polo.....

....presenting 'Trail Blazers-Walk & Fly'

Trezpaz takes you on a once in a lifetime experience, twice over !! Two weekends packed with all the adventure you can ever ask for.

8th & 9th April 2006 - Flights of Fancy
Adrenalin will not be in short supply & your heart beats will break the speed barrier as you fly on a powered parachute with only the wind & your guts to support you.

14th & 15th April 2006 - A Walk in the Woods
The environs & surroundings of Thenmala will awaken to the cries of some TCSers as we embark on a two day hike. A day in the tropical rainforests, an evening around the camp fire, a night in a tent - what more can an adventurer ask for??

Strap your seatbelts, buckle your shoes & embark on the ultimate adventure..... be a Trail Blazer

(Open to all TCS TVM staff & family; for registration please contact Mary Ninan)